Tourists want to repair the Palace Kasunanan Surakarta, Central Java, in order to enhance its appeal, but does not eliminate the importance of preserving the cultural history of the nation. "There should be improvements to the building to make it look luxurious palace but did not leave the elements of history," said a tourist who comes from Blora regency, Haryo (45), in Solo, Monday (12/07/2010).
He said that the local palace wall paint color that was recently manicured look dull and not worry about the elements can fade ethnic Javanese culture.
Kasunanan Keraton Surakarta, he said, has been widely known to the public as a palace in the scale of old age in Java, which must continue to conserve. "And be an asset of cultural tourism," said Haryo a trip to the court with his family.
According Haryo, repair the palace to enhance the sale value of tourism over the object. "In order to have its own selling point for the palace," he said.
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