The perpetrators of tourism in the city of Solo initiated the need for tourism promotion agency Solo (Solo Tourism Board) or STB. With the STB is expected to be more integrated tourism promotion efforts and give a more pronounced economic impact for the community.
"During this campaign conducted on their own with little funds, without segmentation and target markets clear so that a very small effect. We want the STB to raising campaigns and greater impact," said Chairman of the Tourism Association of Travel Agents (Asita) Solo City, Suharto, Wednesday (05/05/2010).
With the STB, is also expected that communication for development of tourism in the city of Solo, both among different tours and Solo City Government better. "We hope there are more than a clerk's attention, especially about campaign funds, because we promote not only tourism but the city of Solo," Suharto said.
Advisor Germany Technical Cooperation (GTC) for Regional Economic Development Program Indonesia, Hidayatullah Al Banjari, say, the experience in various areas or developing countries, promotion of tourism should ideally be done through one door so that the outcome measured, and easy for monitoring and evaluation. Promotion program was expected to be more planned and effective.
"There's debate, Solo had a lot of activity but according to the perpetrator of tourism there is no perceived impact or small impact. While the related department said it had promotion. This is because it is done individually," says Hidayatullah.
Lecturer Business Diploma Course Travel March Eleven University (UNS) Surakarta, Bambang Ary Wibowo, said the organization should be minimalist in order to efficiently STB. He also urged the tourism actors dare to be independent in funding promotional activities.
"With the STB, although by law the existence of possible funding from local governments, but nature can not continue," said Bambang. (EKI)
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